Hear What Our Customers Are Saying

Audio Testimonials

Clarissa Jacobson

Clarissa Jacobson (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) came to hate dentists. She went to six dentists over a period of years (including one of the premier Beverly Hills TMJ specialists), spent over $20,000 on mouth guards and other treatments, and nothing helped until she tried the SleepGuard biofeedback headband.

Bob Kirk

Bob Kirk (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) shares how the SleepGuard biofeedback headband helped him stop breaking teeth and stop needing root canals.

Michele Y.

Michele Y. (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) used to grind her teeth, and suffered from headaches for many years. Mouth guards and muscle relaxants did nothing for these problems, and her NTI mouth guard actually made things worse. After she started using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband, Michele went from 15 headaches per month to one or two per month, and got rid of her jaw pain.

Diane Lawrence

Diane Lawrence (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) tried many different mouth guards, but clenched so hard that her jaw and fibromyalgia hurt terribly. Muscle relaxants didn’t help, and she tried a specialized NTI mouth guard that "screwed up her jaw". She now thinks of her life as “before SleepGuard and after SleepGuard".

Elizabeth Carrington

Elizabeth Carrington (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) tells of her 20-year struggle with migraines, which finally ended with the SleepGuard biofeedback headband. She went from having migraines at least 3 days per week, to having no migraines for over a year.

Liz Gardner

Liz Gardner (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) shares the story of how she finally got her years of migraines and TMJ problems under control with the SleepGuard biofeedback headband.

Linda L.

Linda L. (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) suffered from TMJ pain and daily migraines for years. She tried jaw reconstruction surgery, NTI (which made things worse), anticonvulsants, narcotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, Botox injections, total hysterectomy (yes, some doctors tell people to do that), spent over $10,000 on dentists, got some relief through an orthotic, and within 10 nights of using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband she was out of pain. Within four months she could go months without wearing it.

Written Testimonials

"I was a serious grinder, but in a matter of weeks, SleepGuard helped me stop grinding my teeth. No more headaches. No more sore jaw. And best of all, I haven't had to wear a night guard in over a year!"

- L. Russell, Boston

"Before SleepGuard, every morning I would wake up feeling like I had been through a 10-round fight. My jaw and temples were tender and throbbing…my eyes were bloodshot. I searched the Internet for years for something that would help, and finally found an answer. When your package arrived, I was eager to try it and have been satisfied with the results ever since."

- K. Meehan, New York City

"I'm simply amazed at how effective this device has been for me. Averaging the first 30 days of data shows that I dropped from over 9 seconds of clenching per hour to less than one second per hour.

I was quite skeptical before using it, but the three-week free trial period convinced me to give it a try. Initially I was concerned that the alarm would constantly wake my spouse, but it hasn't been a problem at all.

Thank you for making such a device available at a reasonable price."

-Ron Blackstock, Saint Petersburg, FL

"Your product is unbelievable - I would not know where I would be without it!"

- Sito, Redwood City, CA

"Thank you for creating this product for people with bruxism who have nowhere else to turn after trying conventional remedies. The product has helped me immensely and has reduced my clenching significantly. I will recommend this product to anyone with this problem."

- Kirsten, Cape Coral, FL

"My grinding and neck pain are greatly reduced since purchasing my SleepGuard biofeedback headband, thank you."

- Anne McCullagh Rennie, Australia

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